Hi, I am Laure Smits

Industrial & Educational Designer | MSc. Graduate

w e l c o m e

Hi, welcome

This is my portfolio where you can view my work firsthand. Take a look around to discover who I am as a designer and what my vision is.

My Identity

To explore is to discover, at least that is how I aim to make sense of this world of endless possibilities. A world that is changing everyday can be hard to navigate, which is why I like to keep moving in both the literal and figurative sense. I see myself as an ‘explorative thinker’ who is always contemplating the next move in my life and work. I find that exploration allows for the creation of new ideas, directions and more, it opens up the realm of opportunity without compromising on imagination. Broadening your own perspective creates growth and newfound depths of creativity which I use to improve user experiences, fill market gaps or find solutions to other arising problems.

I identify as an user-centered educational designer, taking the user as a focal point in my work, with a primary focus on supporting individuals in their personal and professional development journeys. My goal is to contribute to the growth of human beings by facilitating learning experiences that go beyond the traditional. Within my work, I aim to always create a foundation of information first, opening up a conversation with people who experience a certain struggle and establishing a market-, design- and research landscape to back up initial findings. Using a highly iterative reflective design process allows me to make decisions based on real user insights, thus creating more well-suited solutions and better overall experiences in my work. Combining this with a user-centered approach, I strive to design educational solutions that resonate with learners, empowering them to overcome challenges and reach their full potential. My passion for tangible design serves as a tool to elevate the learning experience I create even further. By seamlessly integrating physical elements, I aim to create immersive, engaging and meaningful designs that not only convey information but also inspire and motivate learners.

Whilst collaborating with others, I often take on the role of a pro-active leader, guiding projects that contribute to the personal and professional development of both the team and end-user. I strive to create an environment where learning is not only encouraged but becomes an integral part of the creative process, allowing us to broaden our perspectives and make new interesting discoveries. Through continuous reflection on our work and group dynamics, we can adapt our project to meet evolving needs and challenges faced. Taking this reflective approach will not only enable a more iterative but also a more optimized process, which is why I apply this approach in my own projects as well.

picture taken by Twycer

My Vision

The continuously changing world enables us to explore never-before avenues through the creation of products, services, technologies and more. Navigating this ever-changing landscape can be especially difficult when considering an individual’s role in this dynamic environment. Whilst education traditionally aims to equip us with fundamental skills needed to thrive and survive in society, it often falls short in guiding personal and professional development effectively [2]. The absence of standardized career orientation programs across different educational levels and systems leads to varied approaches in supporting students [1], resulting in mistakes that significantly impact individuals and society at large, such as choosing the wrong study or career path [3]. I firmly believe that as designers, we could offer substantial support in the domain of personal and professional development. Our ability to merge individual and collective needs allows us to design tailor-made solutions, addressing real difficulties and challenges faced by individuals within educational systems. Adopting a user-centered approach helps us to further understand the root of the problem and hone down what is really needed in order to create an effective solution for everyone involved. As a society we should aim for the development of the self but the key is to have a good support systems in place, which is where we as designers should come in.

Seeing the world through a user lens allows us to fully focus on understanding who it is we are really designing solutions for. It creates a strong foundation to build from which will not only result in better overall user experiences but will also add more value in the work that we create. Within the educational domain, having a deep understanding of the ecosystem and its stakeholders is vital for the development of impactful tools. As designers, it should be our responsibility to consistently contribute value and purpose to the world through our work, ensuring that the educational tools we create genuinely benefit users. Many educational tools often miss the mark, lacking a perspective from students, teachers or other stakeholders involved. This oversight results in lots of wasted potential. Taking the time to thoroughly understand the user’s experiences allows me, as well as other designers, to create solutions that resonate on a personal level with all stakeholders involved.  

As a designer, my motivation stems from taking a user-centered approach to craft new products or services that are able to facilitate societal change, particularly in education. The essence of design, for me, lies in creating real value and purpose with my work by guiding and supporting individuals in their personal and professional development across education levels and even the workplace. This highlights the crucial role of understanding who and what we design for because without this understanding, solving real problems remains illusory.

[1] OCW. (2016). Wijziging regeling examenprogramma’s voortgezet onderwijs. Staatscournt van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden. https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/stcrt-2016-23925.html

[2] Warps, J, Nooij, J, Muskens, M., Kurver, B. & v.d. Broek, A. (2017). Landelijk onderzoek naar de uitvoering en opbrengsten van de studiekeuzecheck. ResearchNed.

[3] Ahmed, K. A., Sharif, N., & Ahmad, N. (2017). Factors influencing students’ career choices: empirical evidence from business students. Journal of Southeast Asian Research, 2017(2017), 1-15.

s h o w c a s e

Recent Work

Take a look at some of my recent projects below. 

Interested in more? Click the button below to view all of my work. 

I D     b a c h e l o r

Highlighted Projects

Interested in some of the projects that I worked on during my Bachelor in Industrial Design?
Below you can find some of these highlighted projects and check them out. 

e x t r a c u r r i c u l a r s

Other Work

Next to studying full time, I like to take on other projects to explore my passions further. 
Here are a few things that keep me busy!

Smits Studios

Smits Studios is my creative little studio where I am able to explore my creative interests freely and commercially. I create work both for my own enjoyment as well as for clients. From working on graphic design projects to creating handmade gifts for special occasions, it allows me to do both and more.

by Laure

Recently I have been expanding my creative skills into something more, specifically my love for designing and creating clothing.  By Laure allows me to share my skills with others and help them to expand their wardrobe with perfectly fitted pieces.