the BLOOME toolkit

Educational Design, 21st Century Skills, Career Orientation,

Tangible Design, Secondary Education


Final Bachelor



Tilde Bekker

In Short

Career orientation has always been a big problem in Dutch secondary schools, especially for the levels HAVO and VWO. The government has not made this mandatory often resulting in a lack of good support for the students. During this process they have to make important choices that will affect their future, making good support essential to make well informed decisions.

The BLOOME toolkit helps secondary school students explore themselves and their future through quick, fun and useful exercises. Through these exercises students can explore who they are and what their needs are as well as look towards the future and decide what to do after graduation. By adding an element of reflection, the exercise will allow students to gather their insights in a meaningful way and put it to action. BLOOME allows students to be supported however needed, so that they can make well-informed choices about their future.

Project Gallery (updated version)

Project Gallery (first version)